The world's largest freshwater estuary, this is one of the most productive place to catch walleye in Wisconsin.
Long Lake is known as the "Walleye Capital of Wisconsin."
Lake Winnebago is the largest inland lake in Wisconsin, and a popular place for ice fishing for walleye.
At fewer than 2 square miles, Green Lake has a small surface size. But, it's very deep: 236 feet deep. Those deep waters hold many walleye.
Known for its wilderness-like setting, Lake Chippewa is as beautiful as it is good for catching walleye.
Lake Wisconsin is comparatively shallow at 24 feet deep. There are many places to catch walleye here.
It may be hard pronounce, but it's easy to find as it is near Madison, WI. This lake is frequently stocked with walleye.
One of the two lakes on either side of Madison's isthmus, this is a surprisingly good place to catch walleye.
Only 2 square miles in surface area, this is an easy lake to catch walleye in.
Both its tributary rivers and the main body of Lake Superior provide good walleye fishing waters.
Think you can catch only trout here? Think again. Trout Lake is a great place for walleye fishing.
Huge numbers of walleye here: 4.3 adult walleye per acre.
A hydroelectic lake, we're sure that you will find the walleye fishing here electrifying.
This is another walleye heavy hitter, with 4.3 adult walleye per square mile.
1. Scientific Name: Sander vitreus 2. Yellow Walleye 3. Yellow Pike 4. Pickerel (not to be confused with true pickerels) 5. Walleyed Pike 6. Glass Eye 7. Marble Eye 8. Jack Salmon 9. Yellow Perch (in some regions, although it is a distinct species) 10. Doré (common name in French-speaking regions) 11. Walleye Pike
Swipe up to learn more about the best walleye lakes in Wisconsin.
Door County, Wisconsin is a great place to catch and eat walleye. Swipe up to learn more about Door County.